
What is Classical Dance?

Classical Dance

Classical dance, also known as ballet, is a type of dance that features different techniques and specific movements. Ballet is also the name that allows reference to the piece of music composed to be performed through dance. This dance arose during the Renaissance, when weddings and aristocratic events…
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What is Contemporary Dance?

Before entering fully into the definition of the term contemporary dance it is necessary to proceed to discover the etymological origin of the two words that shape it: -Dance, first of all, comes from French. Specifically, it emanates from “danser”, which…
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What is Folk Dance?

What is Folk Dance

Folklore  refers to beliefs, practices and customs that are traditional of a people or culture. This includes stories, crafts, music and dances, for example. Dance, on the other hand, is the action of dancing, that is, the execution of movement to the rhythm of the music. These…
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What is Debacle?

What is Landslide?

In order to know the meaning of the term debacle it is necessary, first of all, to proceed to discover its etymological origin. In this case we can state that it derives from the French “débacle”, which can be translated as…
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What is Wandering?

What is Wandering?

It is called wandering the act of wandering: to mobilize without direction or direction. The concept can be associated with the notion of prowling. For example: “For safety reasons in this sector of the hospital is forbidden to wander the corridors“, “The wandering of stray dogs annoys some neighbors,…
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What is Statistical Data?

What is Statistical Data?

Before entering fully into the meaning of the term statistical data we will proceed to know the etymological origin of the two words that give shape: -Data, first of all, comes from Latin. Exactly “datum”, which is synonymous with “data”. -Statistics,…
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What is Data?

What is Data?

From Latin datum (“what is given”), a data is a document, an information or a testimony that allows to reach the knowledge of something or deduce the legitimate consequences of a fact. For example: “We have discovered the killer thanks to the data provided by a witness“. It is…
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What is Data Mining?

What is Data Mining

The concept of data mining, coming from the English language, is often referred to in our language as data mining. The notion is linked to the procedure that is performed to detect patterns in a large amount of data. The purpose of data mining is…
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What is Data Center?

The concept of data center, which can be translated as “data center“, is often used in the IT sector to refer to the space that houses the technological resources that allow a large amount of information to be processed. These places are also called a calculation center or computer center. A data center is a…
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What is Darwinism?

What is Darwinism

Darwinism is the scientific theory that postulates that the evolution of species is generated from the natural selection of specimens, perpetuating itself through inheritance. The name theory derives from Charles Darwin (1809-1882), the English naturalist who developed it. Darwinism is framed in Evolutionism, the doctrine that holds that changes in the…
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What is Dock?

What is Anchoring?

The etymology of docking leads us to a word of Arabic that can be translated as “factory house” or “house of industry”. The term refers to the sector of a port that has some kind of guard built artificially to favor anchoring of boats and to facilitate the tasks of…
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What is Dart?

What is Dart

A dart is a weapon that is thrown with the hand in such a way that its tip is key to the target. Similar to a spear, although smaller in size, the dart features a special design to stay in the air sustainably and with stability. On…
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What is Giving?

What is Giving?

The verb donate comes from the Latin word dare. The term is used in various ways according to context. The first meanings mentioned by the Royal Spanish Academy in its dictionary allude to donate (voluntarily give in, give) and to deliver (make something happen to another person). For example: “I’m going to give you…
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What is Dance?

What is Dance?

Dance is the action or way of dancing. It is about the execution of movements to the rhythm of the music that allows to express feelings and emotions. It is estimated that dance was one of the first artistic manifestations in human history. It is important to…
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What is Moral Damage?

What is moral damage?

Damage is harm or deterioration. Morality, on the other hand, is the doctrine that seeks the regulation of human behavior according to an assessment of acts, which can be considered good or bad depending on their characteristics and consequences. The idea of moral…
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What is Environmental Damage?

What is Environmental Damage

Damage is the result of damage (harm, harm, causing harm). Environmental damage, on the other hand, is that linked to the environment or specifically, in some cases, to the environment (the natural circumstances surrounding a living being). The idea of environmental damage, therefore, is used to refer to a detriment to…
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What is Damage?

What is Damage

Damage is the damaged effect. The term comes from the Latin damnum and is linked to the verb that refers to causing harm, impairment, discomfort or pain. For example: “Your words have hurt me”, “The bullet caused irreparable damage to the nerves of the left leg”, “The material damage was…
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What is Duty?

What is Debt

The word duty comes from the Latin word deb’re. The concept refers to having a certain obligation. For example: “In the face of an emergency a doctor’s duty is to save the life, no matter who the injured person is”, “The policeman did not do his duty as…
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What is Debate?

What is Debate

Debate comes from the verb debate (discuss or dispute about something) and refers to a controversy, discussion or contention. For example: “Let’s end this debate and start acting”, “If you want to start a debate with me, you must find yourself a good argument”, “The moderator ended the…
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What is Damsel?

What is Damsel

The notion of damsel comes from dameisele,a term of Old French that can be translated as “Miss”. The concept has several meanings according to the context . In some cases, a young woman is called a damsel, especially if she has pretensions to become a refined lady and wants to be…
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What is Damascus?


It should be noted that the term Damascus has its etymological origin in Greek, exactly in “Damaskos”, which then derived to Latin as “Damascus”. It should also be noted that it was used to name the city of Damascus, the capital…
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What is Color Blindness?

Color Blindness

The English-born naturalist, chemist and mathematician John Dalton (1766–1844) was one of the main responsible for the study of achromatopsia, a disease of a genetic character and congenital profile that, according to experts, is not progressive. This is an anomaly that affects the view. For the valuable contributions of…
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What is Daguerreotype?


The French inventor, physicist and painter Louis Daguerre (1787–1851) unveiled in 1839 a device that allowed images to be recorded through a chemical procedure. This device was known as a daguerreotype. The term is used to name both the machine and the image obtained with it. It is also used as a synonym for daguerrotipia, which is…
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What is Dagger?

What is Dagger

Knowing the etymological origin of the term dagger is not simple at all. Although it is known to derive from the French “dague”, it is not known where that Gallic word comes from. Thus, there are theories that it emanates from the…
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What is Dice?


The notion of dice has several uses. The term can refer to the polyhedral object, usually cubic, whose faces exhibit the representation of figures or numbers. These elements are used in numerous games of chance. For example: “Throw the dice at once!”, “To start playing, first we have to find the dice”, “On vacation…
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What is Gift?

What is Gift

The etymological tour of the gift begins in the Latin deb’ta, which translates as “debt“. From that word came dativum (“donation”),which resulted in dative. A gift, as stated by the Royal Spanish Academy in its dictionary, is something that is delivered free of charge. For example: “The old billionaire was loved by…
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What is Dadaism?

Dadaism is an artistic and literary movement that emerged during World War I as a form of protest at the dominant aesthetic canons. The term has its origins in the French Dadasme. Art historians name Tristan Tzara as the first driver of this movement that mocked artistic manifestations and…
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What is Fingerprint?

Fingerprints,a term that can also be accentuated in the second I(fingerprint), is the discipline dedicated to fingerprint analysis. Their techniques allow individuals to be identified. According to experts, fingerprinting is among the most reliable procedures for identifying a human being. This is due to the characteristics of fingerprints or digital…
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